An experience with Jess

Oct 6, 2023

A lot of people don't understand why TCTN' Me is important, but we'll give you an example.

TCTN' Me is in development and isn't currently available. The features in the story are a roadmap.

Meet Jess

Jessica lives in New York. She likes parrots and ice cream. She has her own online store for pet toys which is pretty popular.

What happened?

Our story starts on a late evening. Jess was going home from an exhausting workday from her warehouse where she sent orders. As she is stuck in a traffic jam and wondering some things (probably), she hears a loud sound and then rain started pouring. At first she didn't think much of it. After about 20 minutes pass, she notices that many street lights have been turned off, she thinks "When are they going to fix these lights?" and starts scrolling through Instagram. After 15 minutes her phone battery dies, so she decides to stare at the lightning. As she thinks "How beautiful!" she looks down, she notices something and screams "How is the water 15cm above the pavement?" She gets scared. As she wonders what to do she wakes up. That was a dream. As she looks at the time, she jumps from bed and starts getting ready. She looks out of the window and says whispers "Why is the water so high up?"

Turns out that her dream was also a reality for some people. The NYC government fixes the road after 2 months as well as the drainage system. A lot of this could have been avoided whith TCTN' Me app. Learn how soon!